Today on Project Street: Addressing Long Term Retention
Project Street has been hardening and polishing systems for the past month, but we also had time to address a key concern: Long Term User Retention.
We have a polished FTUE to lead a User through the first steps.
We have an engaging core game loop
We have a golden path told through UI HUD Objectives to lead the player through the entire experience, so people don't get lost.
We have hidden areas and secrets in the map to make getting lost a little fun.
Now we have Player Housing to keep the player invested after they've acquired all the best vehicles.
Player Housing unlocks after defeating the 2nd boss, and 2 houses are currently available: a Residential Home and a Lake Home. The homes are found in the city map and they are more expensive than the vehicles, but the tradeoff is that they offer both a strategic advantage and a flavor of fun. A new player repair pad unlocked by each house and a fun vehicle like the ATK or the Quadcrusher (after additional purchase as an AddOn).
I might add a skatepark house that unlocks a hoverboard if I'm feeling crazy.
I think this is a great way for late game players to spend gold beyond customizing their vehicles, and I'd like to significantly beef up the Housing Customization system when the resources are right.